Image from Young Frankenstein

When ‘satire’ was selected as our genre, Robert said he was just relieved it wasn’t romance, which is how I got to the idea of a werewolf breakup. I like the idea of a regular apartment building inhabited by both regular mortals and monsters, in a sort of uneasy truce – I’m adding that to my idea list for a later date! For now, I hope you enjoy the drama of Rodrick and Helen.

Let me know what you think, and if you try this exercise, please let us know!

  • Genre: Satire
  • Character: Werewolf
  • Object: Packing Tape
Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – July 23, 2021 – Megan”
Image by Paul Sableman

This week’s prompts were fun:

  • Character: Werewolf
  • Object: Packing tape
  • Genre/Tone: Satire

The plot for this one came pretty quickly to me, but as soon as I started writing it sprawled out of control with too many characters and not enough theme to hold them all together. Also, I’m not sure a single Beatles pun counts as “satire”. But it was exciting as I wrote, trying to cram everything I was thinking into words on the page. It just needs a lot of work before it’s properly readable. That’s how first drafts usually work: there’s something good or fun in it, but it takes work to communicate that to the reader.

If you want to try your hand at this exercise, please link or post your version in the comments below!

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – July 23, 2021 – Robert”