video by Evan Cooper

Well, we’re going to need some content warnings this week. With a prompt like this, what would you expect?

  • Character: Monk
  • Object: Candy
  • Genre/Tone: Horror

To tell the truth, I’m not a fan of gore or slasher-movie horror. I’m more into the creepy existential and cosmic horror that Lovecraft made popular and that’s carried on today in books like T. Kingfisher’s The Hollow Places. But when you have a timed exercise, you sometimes surprise yourself with what comes out, and what came out of me was… the violent destruction of a human body. If that kind of thing triggers you, please check out Megan’s less gory and more creepy story based on the same prompts.

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – August 6, 2021 – Robert”
Monk Contemplating a Skull by Thomas Couture
  • Character: Monk
  • Object: Candy
  • Genre/Tone: Horror

For this tone I tried to draw from the feeling I got from a couple of nightmares I had nearly 20 years ago. In the first one I knew I was dead, and I was in a strange lightless country, but I had the sense that life was just a millimeter away behind an invisible barrier, that I should be able to cross, if I could only find it again. I woke up before I did. The second, I was in a room, and the door wouldn’t open, and the light wouldn’t turn on. And I realized that I was never going to escape from that room. Some deep part of me was terrified, but the most dominant part just felt numb disappointment and acceptance.

I was aiming at keeping at least a grain of hope for Brother Gustav’s entrance into realms of light. So I don’t know if this could be considered true horror.

If you try this or any other of these prompts, please share it with us, if you’re comfortable!

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – August 6, 2021 – Megan”