I’m a little disappointed with myself on this freewrite. It was fun, don’t get me wrong! In the interest of time I missed the chance be more creative in my approach to a certain type of magical object. I have to remind myself that this exercise is supposed to get the creative juices flowing, and it’s not a system to produce perfect ideas on the first try. I’d love to see how others interpret these prompts, so please comment or link back to your own site so that I can see!

Character: Librarian

Object: Rug

Genre: Speculative Fiction

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – Megan – May 7, 2021”

Another Friday, another freewrite. As I mentioned last week, my goal was to be serious this week in my attempt; I avoided humor, at least. I did not do a great job at capturing the “Romance” genre, per se. I could also see the argument that the main character is not a father, though he was offered the chance. Let me know what you think, and I’d love to read what you write if you try this prompt!

Character: Father

Object: Ottoman

Genre/Tone: Romance

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – Megan – April 30, 2021”

We’re writing new original stories every week, and we’ll be posting them on Fridays. Here’s Megan’s response to this week’s prompts. Feel free to use the prompts to write your own story, and to share it in the comments if you like.

Megan here: I started writing this and I thought I’d try being serious for once. But then I couldn’t resist trying to tell a joke. Maybe I’ll be serious next week. Only time will tell.

Character: Photographer

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – Megan – April 23, 2021”

As mentioned, we’re writing new original stories every week, and we’ll be posting them on Fridays. So here are the prompts we used this week, followed by Megan’s story. Feel free to use the prompts to write your own story, and to share it in the comments if you like.


Character: Accountant

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – Megan – April 16, 2021”