I won’t say either way whether this story reflects my opinions about politics or politicians. It’s the idea that first started gelling in my brain-space when we got our prompts. Sometimes the hard thing about these prompts is that no one idea really sticks out to me, and I end up with a mushy mash of ideas that only kind of work. Since we try hard to stick to the time limit, there’s really no chance to extract an idea if it doesn’t reveal itself immediately. At least, that’s how it generally works for me. Robert might think differently! Anyway, enjoy this saga about a politician and his lute. If you join in this exercise, please let us know! We’d love to read your stories and know what you think of the exercise.
Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – July 30, 2021 – Megan”Tag: flash fiction
Did I lean into melodrama? Yes. But since this is a timed exercise, I went with my first idea and stuck with it. I did not do any research into the timing between the male birds molting tail feathers and when the chicks would hatch, apologies to any ornithologist readers! I also totally made up the name Pembledom, please do not judge me too harshly.
I know I’ve said it before, but this is a fun exercise. I like the near chaos (you never know what the prompts will be), but the structure/instruction is always the same. There are other great writing exercises out there, but this one just hits a sweet spot for me. I’d love to see if anyone else does this prompt! Thank you for reading!
This week’s prompts were:
- Character: Pianist
- Object: Feather
- Genre/Tone: Drama