“You talkin’ to me?” Image by louiscrusoe

This week truly brought the “random” out of our random prompt generators:

  • Character: Llama rancher
  • Object: Deck of cards
  • Genre/Tone: Mystery/Fantasy

So, I’m really not sure what to make of this story myself. I’ll just say, Megan and I are thinking of making T-shirts that say, “All the llamas knew better than to engage in fortune telling or necromancy of any kind.”

If you feel like following this writing exercise yourself, feel free! Let us know what you come up with by posting the story (or a link to it) in the comments! And till then, well, keep focused on the present.

Ezekiel moseyed over to where her ranching partner Gerey was leaning on the twisted wood-and-vine fence that enclosed the small llama pen. She brushed the loose fleece from her vest and dungarees and coughed the musk of the llamas out of her lungs as she approached.

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – September 10, 2021 – Robert”
Family photo by Steve Snodgrass

We almost wrote a “Thriller” this week, but that seemed too close to the “Action” of last week, so we pulled a new genre from the random generator and came up with the following:

  • Character: Psychologist
  • Object: Ketchup
  • Genre: Speculative (sci-fi/fantasy)

I immediately had an idea that sounded, at least to my mind, like something Megan might do. And because I enjoy her stories so much, I thought I’d give it a go. Humor is not normally my strong suit, so I’m hoping this works half so well as her stories usually do.

In any case, I hope you enjoy this! If you’re enjoying these exercises, feel free to join in yourself, and let us know what you come up with!

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – September 3, 2021 – Robert”

The prompt this week was

Image by cyclonebill
  • Character: Psychologist
  • Object: Ketchup
  • Genre/Tone: Speculative

As much as I enjoy writing flash fiction, sometimes I just don’t feel like I click with the story I’m writing. And with the time limit, there’s really no chance to change tack and try something else. The moment I started writing this week, I just wanted to go back and make different choices, but that inexorable timer told me it was not possible within our agreed upon parameters. “I hate this, this is so bad,” and variations on that theme popped up between both Robert and me the whole time we wrote. Robert read his story out loud, and I love what he wrote! I wish that I’d written it! It’s charming and funny and unexpected. I dithered around, trying to avoid reading mine, and finally ripped off the bandage. And, well, Robert didn’t hate it. He even liked the ending. It just goes to show that you’re not necessarily the best judge of your own work. Or maybe, your feelings aren’t the best judge of your work. Be gentle with yourself, work with someone you can trust (if you can!), and be open to both critiques and to praise. Funny how both hurt sometimes.

If you join us in this prompt, or any of the others, please let us know! If you’re joining us for the first time, here’s the primer on this prompt system. Happy writing!

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – September 3, 2021 – Megan”
Image by Rob Oo

Keeping things simple is hard for me. I always want to overcomplicate things, especially with prompts like these:

  • Character: Sailor
  • Object: Thumbtack
  • Genre/Tone: Fantasy/Mystery

But keeping things simple is the key to actually completing a story in this exercise. And I think I did okay, especially given the “mystery” aspect, though I’m not sure I managed to make clear enough how the magic worked. Obviously, it could stand some editing; but I think it’s not bad for a first draft.

Let me know if you think this works as a story, or if you see holes in it. And if you want to try your hand at these prompts, please put the results in the comments, or link to wherever you post it!

Continue reading “Friday Freewriting – Robert – July 2, 2021”