The problem with having lots of interests is that it’s hard to focus on one of them long enough to finish it. And when we do focus on something, it usually means neglecting something else.

So we’ve neglected this blog for a while.

But the reason is because we’ve been focusing on our podcast! We’ve got a couple episodes recorded, and are planning to drop the first one soon!

The podcast will really hit the heart of what we want to do here at Epic Book Club, which is to build a community of people who can read epic books together and talk about them. We’re starting with the Iliad, because it’s the first work everyone thinks of when they hear the word “epic”. It’s the starting point for the idea and genre of epics.

But it’s hardly the last word on epics. After the Iliad, we’ll explore epics from all over the world.

Are you excited to discuss the Iliad? What other epics do you want to talk about?