We’d hoped to get this out about a week ago, but launching a podcast was a little more complicated than we expected. Still, we are well and truly able to say: we have a podcast!

The name is the same as this website, because the podcast will be central to the whole purpose of Epic Book Club: to read epic books and talk about them, or read epic books and live epic lives, or something like that.

The translation we’re using

Season One of the podcast will cover the Iliad. We’re starting with a “zero” episode, because we wanted a before-and-after effect: a snapshot of where we are before this read-through, and then another at the end.

We’re following a comment-as-we-read format: each episode will cover one or two Books of the Iliad. We’ll talk about those books in depth, largely avoiding spoilers for the rest of the epic, and hopefully encouraging more and more readers to read along. This means Season One will probably run somewhere between twenty and twenty-four episodes.

At first, we’ll release episodes at least once a month. Once we get the production into more of a flow, we’ll start releasing them more often. But we have lives, and we’d rather be realistic about how often we’re able to publish than make promises we can’t keep.

We’re listed with most major podcasting services. We’re on Apple and Spotify and Amazon, and should be listed on Google in the near future. We’re also on a bunch of others, like Overcast and Stitcher and Podcast Addict and probably whatever you use. But no matter what, you can find our RSS feed and our catalog on Buzzsprout (also linked in this website’s main menu).

We hope you’ll join the conversation! We’re looking forward to getting to know you, and sharing some epic books together!

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