As mentioned, we’re writing new original stories every week, and we’ll be posting them on Fridays. So here are the prompts we used this week, followed by Megan’s story. Feel free to use the prompts to write your own story, and to share it in the comments if you like.

Character: Accountant

Object: Shoe

Genre/Tone: Saga

Behold, I tell the tale of Taylor the Accountant, parser of numbers, champion of itemization. On the 15th day of the fourth month Taylor readied to go into work. Approaching quickly was the time of the great filing, and she girded her loins in a tweed pencil skirt, put on a breastplate of linen blouse with matching tweed blazer and coifed her hair to go into the battle.

In great distress, she saw that one of her shoes was missing. These were the noble foot coverings that had gotten her through many a walk to the bus, and through the city streets. She could not go out without the shoes, and she could not work without going out into the world.

Underneath her bed, she looked in vain, no shoe awaited her. She squatted firmly grasped an edge of her couch and moved it aside with a great show of strength. It was no where when she looked. Alert like a watchful lioness, she replaced the couch, rose and surveyed her domain. There are not many places for a recalcitrant shoe to hide.

The memory came to her, leaping to her mind, like a mighty horse! When she hung her paper, marking the days for the season of taxing on the white walls of her domicile, she had been unable to find the hammer of her household. Was it not she herself who had cleverly used the tool at hand, the heel of a faithful, sturdy shoe? Perhaps she had stored it where all such things go. And Lo! In the steel box, painted the color of heart’s blood, she found the shoe and in triumph slid it onto her foot.

And thus ends the tale of the Accountant Taylor. Well clad in tweed, well ready to face the end of the season of filings, and well heeled to face her journey through the city to the office wherein she worked. On another feast we will tell of how she went far afield to the market, to find a well-smithed hammer, only to return home to find her original one in the back of her freezer.

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